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  • Writer's pictureDominion Chihuahua Club

Club News - August

A few things to catch members up on this month.

The first is that sadly, our President, Dr Tracey Tonkin, has stepped down from the committee, citing her health, breeding, study and work committments.

We are very said to see her go, but understand her reasons and fully support her in her future endeavours. She remains a staunch supporter of the club and we look forward to her joining us for club events in the future, although she will not be involved in the organisation of them any longer.

The Committee has thanked Tracey for her hard work on behalf of the club and appointed Secretary, Jenny Ryan, as Acting President until the AGM.

Second, is news that our Championship show in October which we had cancelled has now been reinstated and will proceed as planned on October 26. Hope to see you there as this will be our 55th Anniversary Show. We have an excellent judge from the US, Diane Skibinksi, so it should be a great show and we have decided to introduce a number Stakes events to celebrate the best Chihuahua breeders, as these are the people looking after our breed for the future.

Lastly, we are working on sorting a new venue for Playgroup, so keep your eye on the Facebook page for updates. We hope to have a permanent home by November but there might be a bit of shuffling around until then with locations and times.

Sorry for the inconvenience, but it just makes you appreciate how wonderful Kuri have been to allow us to use their facilities free of charge. They are as bummed as we are that the insurance on their boarding kennels prevents us from using the new building, but we are very grateful for their support these past couple of years and will continue to work with them as they are a wonderful sponsor of our club.


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