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Critiques from the Oct 2019 Speciality Show

A message from the judge...


I would like to commend the Dominion Chihuahua Club and its members for putting on a lovely show with beautiful trophies. I found the show grounds very comfortable and good sportsmanship was quite evident. Congratulations, well done.


Also, I would like to thank the club, its members, exhibitors, ring steward, show manager and especially the beautiful Chihuahuas for making my judging assignment in New Zealand so wonderfully special. I must remark how beautiful the Chihuahuas are in New Zealand. Not only did they carry Chihuahua type, they were sound in temperament. You should be proud of your efforts.


I personally feel they would be able to compete competitively in the United States. Thank you for trusting me to judge your adorable breed. This is one judging assignment I will always hold dear and reflect on fondly.


Thank you.


Diana Skibinski


DOG (Long Coat)

Puppy Dog

#1 Armit Hugo Iko, 1st, Best Puppy, Best Dog, Challenge Dog, Reserve Best of Breed, Best Puppy In Show, alert, small, well rounded skull, large ears set at 45 degree angle, level back, soft long coat that will improve with age, plumbed tail, swift moving, this is a quality puppy

Junior Dog

#2 El-Toro Tobias At Teddee, 1st, rounded skull, nice size, long soft coat with feathering on legs and pants, plumbed tail, swift moving

#3 Cheekychi  Reign of Terror, 2nd, ears set at 45% angle, large round dark eye, soft long coat , in need of showring experience

New Zealand Bred Dog

#5 CH Payco’s Tennessee Moonlight, 1st, dainty, well rounded skull, good ear set, level back with proper siize

#4 Gemchi Yum Yum Taco, 2nd, well rounded skull, cheeks in need of being leaner, heavy coat, back level when standing

Veteran Dog

#6 CH Eldivino Hocus Pocus, 1st, Best Veteran, Best Veteran In Show, excellent condition in both coat and weight for age, well rounded head, dark full round eye, broader muzzle, 

Open Dog

#7 Greek CH & NZ CH Mystic Legion, 1st, Reserve Dog, Reserve Challenge, top of the standard in weight, dark round eye, wider head and muzzle, strong topline, swift brisk movement, with proper long coat characteristics, proper tail carriage, very attractive male

BITCHES (Long Coat)

Baby Puppy Bitch

#8 Kitaco Jappy Jalapeno, Best Baby Puppy, nice puppy of dainty size, beautiful round head with a dark round eye, proper earset, slightly pointed muzzle, nice outline, rich puppy coat, great outgoing attitude, very promising youngster

#9 Kitaco Holy Guacamole,  Absent

Puppy Bitch

#10 Kitaco’s Vegas Show Girl,  Absent

Junior Bitch

#11 CH Kitaco’s Deevine Inspiration, 1st, Best Junior, well rounded head with a full eye, good earset, definite stop, coat of good texture, I wish for more coat,  swift movement

#12 CH Kitaco’s Devine Miss T At Eldivino, 2nd, round head with a broader muzzle, of proper small size, coat could be fuller, alert

#13 Salinacruz Cheeky Sparrow, 3rd, smaller in size , good round head with a nice eye,  level back, I wish for more coat

Intermediate Bitch

#15 CH Eldivino Rouge Trader At Kitco, 1st, Best Intermediate, Reserve Bitch, Reserve Challenge Bitch, lovely dainty size, proper well rounded head with a dark eye, good earset, level back, swift movement, nice long coat

#14 Eldivino Misty Karma At Kitco, 2nd,  swift movement, lighter round eye, lower tailset, nice coat

#16 CH Armit Gossip And Lies, 3rd, head could be more well rounded and larger, good earset, nice size

New Zealand Bred Bitch

# 20 Payco’s Lady Libby, 1st, Best NZ Bred, Best Bitch,  Challenge Bitch, Best Of Breed, Best NZ Bred In Show, Best Open In Show, excellent dainty size, lovely head/eye/earset balanced for her size, level back, balanced with proper length to height, rich coat, proper feet, a package that took my eye, confident

#19 El-Toro Ruby the Tiny Dancer, 2nd, well round head, nice larger ears, proper long coat

# 17 CH Eldivino Senorita Nikita, 3rd, dark round eye, good long coat, outgoing temperament

Open Bitch

#21 CH Kitaco’s Valkyrie Warrior, 1st, Best Open, nice well round head, large dark eye, front could be stronger, level topline, confident saucy expression

DOGS (Smooth Coat)

Junior Dog

#22 NZ CH Misty Meadow’s Boston-PC, 1st, Best Junior, Best Dog, Challenge Dog, Best Of Breed, Best In Show, Best Junior in Show, full well rounded head, dark round eye, proper earset, excellent muscular condition, strong front/topline/ rear /tailset, compact, a great saucy expression completes this quality package

New Zealand Bred Dog

#23 CH El-Toro Ray Spencer At Kitaco, 1st, Best NZ Bred, Reserve Dog, Reserve Challenge, full round head, proper  earset, round dark eye, strong front, excellent condition

Open Dog

#24 CH Salinacruz Jack Flash, 1st, Best Open, proper size, rounded ear, muscular, rear could be stronger

Bitches (Smooth Coat)

Baby Puppy Bitch

#25 Salinacruz Alexandria Blu, Best Baby Puppy, Best Baby in Show, extremely promising baby, big strong confident swift mover, well rounded head, nice earset and size, round dark eye, compact

Intermediate Bitch

#26 CH Payco’s Lady Foxy.1st, Best Intermediate, Best Bitch, Challenge Bitch, Reserve Best of Breed, Reserve in Show, Best Intermediate In Show, round full head, large darkeye, proper body proportions and size, nice close glossy coat

Open Bitch

#27 CH Marachino Princess Ala,1st, Reserve Bitch, Reserve Challenge, full round head, a bit lower earset, round dark eye, sleek cheeks, good topline and tailset

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